Rigid waterproof casing (A type)
Author Admin Browse Posted 2011-07-25

Name: rigid waterproof casing (A type)

Rigid waterproof casing Application:
    rigid waterproof casing for pipes through walls at not withstand vibration and stretching deformation of the pipeline structure (built) building materials for earthquake fortification areas, such as the use of rigid waterproof casing, should enter the pool walls of the pipe wall or building on the nearest set of flexible connections, A-type for steel.

Rigid waterproof casing (A type)    Rigid waterproof casing (A type) structure diagram
Rigid waterproof casing (A type) size table, weight table

DN D1 D2 D3 D14 δ B k Weight
50 60 80 114 225 3.5 10 4 4.49
65 75.5 95 121 230 3.75 10 4 4.66
80 89 110 140 250 4 10 4 5.33
100 108 130 159 270 4.5 10 5 6.36
125 133 155 180 290 6 10 6 8.33
150 159 180 219 330 6 10 6 1O.06
200 219 240 273 385 8 12 8 15.9
250 273 295 325 435 8 12 8 18.68
300 325 345 377 500 10 14 10 27.40
350 377 400 426 550 10 14 10 30.95
400 426 445 480 600 10 14 10 34.35
450 480 500 530 650 1O 14 10 37.85
500 530 550 590 730 10 16 10 44.54
600 630 660 690 830 10 16 10 54.50
700 720 750 790 920 10 16 10 61.43
800 820 850 880 1020 10 16 10 69.12
900 920 950 980 1120 10 16 10 76.81
1000 1020 1050 1080 1230 10 16 10 84.50
1200 1220 1250 1290 1430 12 20 12 122.5
1400 1420 1450 1490 1630 12 20 12 141.3
1600 1620 1650 1690 1830 14 20 14 176.4
1800 1820 1850 1900 2040 16 20 16 216.6
2000 2020 2050 2100 2240 16 20 16 239.3

上一篇:【Flexible protective sleeve on both sides sealed
下一篇:【Steel water pipe (B)

Gong Yi chang Wang drainage Material Factory
Address: Gongyi City, the southern section of Wing
Tel :0371 -64393352 64580820
Fax :0371 -64031200
Mobile: 15903663076
Zip: 451200
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