XH81 rubber Sewage Check Valve
Author Admin Browse Posted 2011-07-25

Name: XH81 rubber Sewage Check Valve
Product Description:
    Rubber sewage check valve is also called duckbill valve, duckbill check valve rubber, rubber flexible check valves, installation structure is divided into: socket rubber Sewage Check Valve XF-T installed in the drain exit. Flanged Check Valve XF-F rubber sewage pipes with a flange installed on the outlet end. Installation plate valve XF-F rubber sewage outlet installed in the structure on the end. Built-in rubber valve XF-F installation of sewage in urban sewage and storm water system outlet end. Mortar or cement sewage pipe rubber valve XF-F installed in mortar or cement pipe end.     XH81, XH81A, XH41, XH41A rubber Sewage Check Valve (Spain called "flexible duckbill check valve" called the U.S. "duckbill valve rubber flat mouth") is a valve company in Spain ROSS, American Red Valve Company production based on the summary, exemplary, revolutionary re-design. Re committed to continuous improvement (duckbill check valve flexible) rubber discharge valve, leaving the valve of the strength, toughness, sealing greatly improved, the valve does not have any active components, free of any maintenance. The valve can give straight pipe, flange pipe, concrete pipe, glass pipe supporting the valve     rubber valve is widely used in sewage coast, beach, docks, reservoirs, municipal drainage, sewage, can be described as environmentally friendly green valve , replace the valve check valve door, door easily solve the sand, silt, rocks, vegetation, marine life blocking problems.

XH81 type - DN20-2000mm XH41 type - DN100-2000mm
XH81A type - DN200-1200mm XH41A type - DN200-600mm
DN With the pipe diameter Valve port level (A) Pipeline access (B>)
50 2 " 20 20
65 2 "-1 / 2" 25 25
80 3 " 40 40
100 4 " 50 50
150 6 " 50 50
200 8 " 50 50
250 10 " 50 50
300,350 12 "~ 14" 100 100
400,450,500 16 "~ 20" 150 150
600,700,800,900 24 "~ 36" 200 200
1000 40 " 250 250
1200,1400,1600 64 " 300 300
1800 72 " 400 400
Description: DN800 ~ 1800 (32 "~ 72") for the double-clad hoop
Schematic diagram
Use on-site Installation structure
Installation Installation location Installation Schematic
Socket type Installed in the discharge
pipe of the
Flange Installed in the discharge
pipe with a method
of export blue
Mosaic Installed in the City
Municipal water pollution
in the water pipes
between the
Installation Plate Installed at the
water end of the construction of
buildings on
Built-in Installed in the City
Urban rainwater sewage
system, water and
effluent ends
Mortar or water
mud pipeline
Installed on the gray
cement slurry or
the end of the pipe
Storage and transport precautions:
A, XH81, XH41 type of duckbill valves, should be kept in a cool, dry place, and to ensure that state transportation vertical placement;
B, set above the ground level floor or stand up;
C, the valve doors away from heat, ozone, oil, acid, alkali region;
D, non-light radiation exposure and strong load-bearing; E, non-sharp instruments cut through the surface; F, the box marked "↑", does not allow upside down or flat.

上一篇:【[Duckbill Valve]
下一篇:【XH41A type sewage rubber valve

Gong Yi chang Wang drainage Material Factory
Address: Gongyi City, the southern section of Wing
Tel :0371 -64393352 64580820
Fax :0371 -64031200
Mobile: 15903663076
Zip: 451200
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